KARINA, 34 anni, ucraina-poltava

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KARINA. Codice ragazza:

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Dear stranger, I hope that reading my profile you will have some opinion about me. I am a kind, tender and sincere young woman. I love my family. I am a family-oriented person. I am a person with different dreams, hobbies and interests. Sports play an important role in my life. I enjoy swimming and fitness. Sport provides physical activity helping to be in a good shape and in a good mood. I like visiting movies, having rest outdoors and creating home coziness. I want to create my own family, strong and happy relationships with my beloved man. That is why I am here in a search of him. I see my man as a caring, loyal and attentive person, with whom I want to feel happy and in a safety.
Età 34 anni
Stato civile Nubile
Occhi Grigi
Capelli Castani
Altezza 165 cm
Peso 55 Kg
Fumatrice No
Figli Non ha figli
Nazionalità Ucraina
Provenienza Ucraina Poltava
Titolo Università
Occupazione private entrepreneur



Fai il login o registrati per poter mettere mi piace! Per maggiori informazioni vedi la pagina info e costi.

Ciao! Pensi che KARINA sia la donna della tua vita? Contattaci per scoprire se sei compatibile con lei!